Monday 12 November 2012

Chosen Locations

Before filming it is important to decide on the locations that I'll use to ensure that I have a clear vision of how all the locations will impact on the narrative but also the space that I have available to me to film. For this reason I went to the locations that I thought would be suitable for my short film and took photographs as references see below

Prison cell

Within school there is a small office and if I remove all of the items that are within the room, to create an empty shell I believe that this will fulfil the appearance of a prison cell. If I light it in the correct manner it should create a ominous enclosed feeling that I want the short film to begin with.


The bus that I will be using will appear something like this as I cannot insure the same bus will appear when I start filming. For that reason I can also not ensure that the interior of the bus will be the same if I need to reshoot anything. For this reason I need to carefully consider what shots I require with in the bus, therefore ensuring that the shots that I do take can easily be reshot if necessary to continue the continuity.


After the protagonists has got off the bus he will walk down a street, this is the street that I will use. I have chosen the street because it is near the location for the interior of the home shots which means it is easily accessible and I can shoot both the exterior shots and interior shots within the same day making my production time effective. Also this street is relatively traffic free therefore I can use a tracking Dolly on the road to create a steady tracking shot. The road being traffic free also means that the filming will be more seamless as we will not have to stop n' start for cars etc.


This is the interior location for where the protagonist will spend most of his time. I have chosen this location because it's neutral colours as this will focus the audience's attention onto the protagonist. The lack of items within the room will create a tense and unnatural atmosphere that is vital for the narrative. However there are slight allusions to wealth as the fireplace is positioned next to the chair but serves no other purpose but and aesthetic feature which further supports the unnatural atmosphere. Also can allude to the ideas presented in 1984 which the short film has been inspired by.

Now I have found my locations I can begin to start storyboarding as I have a firm foundation of references to include within the visualisation of the short film. Also now I have a full range of references including actors, props, costumes and now locations I can include these in my storyboard creating clear understanding and vision for how I want to create my short film.

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