Saturday 3 November 2012

Chosen Actor

For my short film I have created a storyline that only uses one actor as the main character. I feel that this both helps and supports the narrative and meaning of the short film and in practical terms it makes it much easier to organise and ensure that the actor is available for filming. I have chosen two actors to choose from:

                                     Connor Barbor                                        Jack O'Connor

I have chosen Connor Barbor as my actor for my short film. I have made this choice because, I don't feel that he looks like the stereotypical individual who has been to prison, however there is a dark and moody look about him that matches the idea and style of the character that I have tried to give the protagonist within my short film. I feel that this is a positive that he does not look stereotypical like a person that has been to prison because the character within the film is distant from the rest of society and removed from the norm.

Within a short film I have found that it is a convention to use a small cast as due to the nature of a short film's storyline has to be established in a quick fashion and therefore the audience needs to become accustomed to the characters background. Therefore having only one character in my film means at the audience can become sympathetic and knowledgeable about this individuals background but I can also elaborate and create a more dynamic and interesting short film because there is less establishing to do of characters and locations.

From here I now need to start deciding and collecting props, costumes and locations that I will like to use within my short film. Also I need to start creating a storyboard as for my short film there is a lot of separate sequences that get piece together. Therefore storyboard process will take a long time and the sooner I start on this the more time effective it will be.

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