The beginning of the short film follows a male protagonist after his release from prison and the audience follows his re-integration into society. When he is released he finds enjoyment in the mundane. However within the society there is an omnipotent presents that overshadows everything. However the male protagonists rebels and rejects the status quo that is forced upon him and rebels against the mundane shaking up his routine. All of the inner thoughts and true feelings are represented through the non-diegetic internal monologue of the male protagonists. The objective of the omnipotent presence is to, control all aspects of society and eliminate all those aspects that they see to not fit into their idea of a perfect fraternity. One of their missions and goals is to perfect the language and this marks the end of the revolution but the start of the dictatorship.In regards to the ending I decided to adopt an idea that I had earlier on, to creates two one-minute endings and then the audience would have to decide which ending they wanted for the short film. However as the story revolves around a dystopia the audience would have to decide between lesser of the two greater evil endings.
Feel that I now need to take my initial story to my teacher for his input and ideas on whether it would work and if there's anything that I need to consider.
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