Friday, 21 December 2012

Initial Animatic and feedback

After creating my initial storyboard, I need to create an animatic from that storyboard to ensure I know how long my short film is going to be, but also how it flows and fits together. Below is my animatic:


After creating my animatic I presented it to my teacher who told me the he likes it. He thought the script and plot where good just needed a little work to improve. However, he told me that I need to add a shot before we see the protagonist on the bus to set the scene; so the audience is aware that we have moved from outside to inside the bus. He also feels that I should intercut some stock footage of the film "1984" and feet marching, when the protagonist is walking down the road and at the same point at which he is speaking about the government.

We decided that I should take my short film into a very postmodern and dystopian area. I was unsure of how to end the film but as I have decided to take it into a postmodern and dystopian realm I think that I should finish the film with a nocking at the door and then the screen goes black and then the audience hear the door being broken down and loud voice enter, screams of pain and punches can be heard by the audience. Therefore this leaves it up to the audience to decide what happens to the protagonist.

From here I also to create a shooting schedule so I know what I need to do and when. 

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Initial Storyboard

After deciding on my idea for my short film, where a man is released from prison and enters a world that is controlled by the government. I decided that I needed to create a storyboard that develops and demonstrates the story, plot and idea for the film.  To do this I have taken the "Initial Plot" summary and drawn how I envision the framing and scene to play out.

Here is my first initial storyboard that I will develop and change:

I presented this storyboard to my target audience and explained what was happening, the response was a positive one with some saying, "I really like the plot." Another saying "I like how you are taking a different approach on what could be a dark film." This has assured me that I am producing a film that my target audience is interested in.

After presenting this to my target audience, from here I think that I need to create an animatic so that I can understand how long my storyboard is and also to have a concept of how it flows; whether or not I need to add or remove some frames.